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Male Dec 1958 Mort Kunstler Cvr, Copeland, Stanley, AL Rossi - High Grade- NAPA
Item MAS4036-1
Male Dec 1958 Mort Kunstler Cvr, Copeland, Stanley, AL Rossi  - High Grade- NAPA
Male Dec 1958 Mort Kunstler Cvr, Copeland, Stanley, AL Rossi - High Grade- NAPA

Male December 1958

Condition: Fine - Very Fine

Cover Artist: Mort Kunstler

Interior Artist: Charles Copeland; Tom Ryan; Mort Kunstler; Bob Stanley; Al Rossi; Joe Little

Model: Brigitte Ricke (4 pages)

Features: WWII story - Lt. Hugh Miller's Private War / Crime story - Arthur Flegenheimer / Western Gunfighter story - Chris Madsen, Earl Vinton

In the coming months we will be selling the magazines of one of the most significant single owner collections to come to the market in decades. It is the Napa Collection, an uncirculated near mint collection of Men's Adventure, pinup, and Men's Magazines from the 50's, 60's and 70's with fantastic art covers as well as pin-ups with beautiful bombshells, great up and coming writers such as Harlan Ellison and Robert Silverberg and household name actresses. This is a single owner collection of glossy unread copies that were bought off the newsstand and never in circulation.

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